The Beacon
Dearest St. John’s,
Thank you for your cooperation last Sunday as you were vetted by “security” when entering the church parking lot with our mock experience. Given we hosted Al Ruppel and Unity In Hope School, we sought to bring a non-dramatic reproduction of what Pakistani Christians must do to protect themselves when going to church. Al gave us a first-hand lesson that validated our extraordinary abundances and rights in this country, compared to other Christians living under oppression. Al gave us every reason to embrace the need to be generous as the walking Christ that we are for Unity In Hope School. The bottom line is that an education will break the cycle of these Christian children and their abject poverty. It is a joy for us to be part of that process of change. Please continue to offer your gifts to Unity In Hope School as you come across opportunities to celebrate or donate to someone or something in honor or in memory of to UIHS. UIHS envelopes will remain in the pews for easy access.
See you in Worship!
Love, Pastor Judine