Meet the Staff

Pastor Rev. Judine Duerwaechter

It is a privilege to have been called by God to serve the long standing ministries of St. John’s.  I am Pastor Judine Duerwaechter, settled pastor at St. John’s.  I invite you to Worship on Sundays at 9:00 AM, either in person or live stream. Our Worship team seeks to coordinate a spirit filled service each week, with a variety of dynamics to open us up to Love.  

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Lynne Guenther is our Office Manager, Worship Coordinator, and Director of Stephen Ministries at St. John’s UCC.  Lynne has served St. John’s as a front line lay minister for almost 30 years.  Please contact Lynne with any questions and joys you may have to share.  920-452-5296 

Donna Pragatz is our BLAST Learning Community Director.  All “Sunday School” classes actually meet on Wednesday evenings along with the Confirmation students, beginning with a simple meal at 5:30 PM.  Please contact Donna to register your child for our Learning Community classes.  920-452-5296

Jill Abraham is our Harpist, Chime & Bell Choir Director, and BLAST Singers Director.  

Jason Albrecht is the Confirmation Director