St. John’s & COVID-19

4/5/2020 10:30AM

As we have been growing into the online services, please note the tech committee is working the best they can to adjust the audio to provide the best possible experience.

We are now linking the past services after they occur to the Sermon page ( Please note that although they are broadcast on Facebook Live, no account is required to view them live. We will be working on getting a link to the current service posted to the website as quickly as possible as it starts to make finding the service as easy as possible.

As always, stay safe, healthy and God Bless.

3/23/2020 15:30

We had our first online service yesterday and believe it went very well. A few people mentioned the audio was a bit difficult to hear and our tech crew is working on that. Kudos for all involved getting that working!

Franz Rigert has also sent out a challenge to raise money for congregations that will be severely affected due to the COVID-19 situation. You can read more here.

Please join us next week Sunday morning again for our online worship.

As always, stay safe and God Bless.

3/19/2020 11:15

As we prepare this weekend for online service we’d like to explain a bit how things will work. To submit a name for the prayer list, please do one of the following:

  • Fill out the online form, this will email the office to have the name added
  • Call the office during normal hours (920-452-5296)
  • Add the name during the first 10 minutes of the streaming service in the Facebook Live chat

Please visit here or the Facebook Page a few minutes before 9:00AM. If you visit the St. John’s website, click the link at the top labelled “Facebook” or click the icon on the right about half-way down. Either will take you to the Facebook page. When the video starts, Facebook will alert you that St. John’s is Live which you will click on to view.

Please bear with us during the first week as we will be certainly doing our best to make this the best possible experience but expect there will be some ‘growing into’ during this process.

Again, please stay safe and God bless you all.

3/17/2020 14:45

After serious consideration for the safety of our members, we reviewed the messages from the Archdiocese, CDC and State of Wisconsin and effective March 17, 2020 until further notice, we are cancelling all activities in the church with more than 10 people attending, including the following:

  • Confirmation
  • Thursday Evening Services
  • Sunday Morning Worship

We will be providing online worship services beginning at 9:00am on Sunday mornings to include scriptures, a message, prayer list (please email, call, or message your prayer concerns) and familiar hymns.

We will be offering on Sunday mornings here at St. John’s UCC, to all members and friends a time for prayer and reflection in 20 min increments limited to groups of ten or less by appointment only beginning at 9:30 until 10:30am. If there more interest than 30 people we will add another time spot and/or day to accommodate all.

Please check back here on a regular basis for updated information.

Stay safe and God bless you all.