Pastor Rev. Judine Duerwaechter
It is a privilege to have been called by God to serve the long standing ministries of St. John’s. I am Pastor Judine Duerwaechter, settled pastor at St. John’s. I invite you to Worship on Sundays at 9:00 AM, either in person or live stream. Our Worship team seeks to coordinate a spirit filled service each week, with a variety of dynamics to open us up to Love.
As a pastor, I feel gifted in pastoral care and counseling and have been trained as a marriage and family therapist. Ordained in the United Church of Christ WI Conference, I have served in statewide leadership roles, as a member of the Board for World Ministries, and as a board member for various secular nonprofits statewide. I have been deeply enriched by my ministries serving secularly as a marriage and family therapist for the Sheboygan County Health and Human Services in Child Protective Services, as well as with community shelters. In addition, I loved my work touring schools nationally with The Stutman Group addressing parents and kids regarding the hardships of substance abuse. As a pastor my counseling work continues to involve strengthening relationships with families affected by emotional and mental illness issues, and substance abuse. I am personally no stranger to hardship and trauma, but with full confidence know Who I am and Whose I am as I recognize the revealed blessings in all things. However I can assist someone in that same discovery process, I will offer all my heart to do so. Please feel free to contact me at the church office with any questions and joys you may have to share. 920-452-5296
Please take a further look at those who I share ministry with daily…St. John’s is blessed with a strong team of ministers to serve and support you.
With love, Pastor Judine
Lynne Guenther is our Office Manager, Worship Coordinator, and Director of Stephen Ministries at St. John’s UCC. Lynne has served St. John’s as a front line lay minister for almost 30 years. Please contact Lynne with any questions and joys you may have to share. 920-452-5296
Donna Pragatz is our BLAST Learning Community Director. All “Sunday School” classes actually meet on Wednesday evenings along with the Confirmation students, beginning with a simple meal at 5:30 PM. Please contact Donna to register your child for our Learning Community classes. 920-452-5296
Jill Abraham is our Harpist, Chime & Bell Choir Director, and BLAST Singers Director.
Jason Albrecht is the Confirmation Director